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Most Frequently Asked Questions and Answers

It is recommended that children have an initial evaluation by the age of seven because it is the optimal time to evaluate skeletal development and to identify the position of the permanent teeth.

Interceptive treatment is early treatment that generally takes place between the ages of 7 and 12. During this preventative phase, we utilize orthodontic appliances to slowly and steadily redistribute and redirect growth. This improves the jaw position and establishes the appropriate space for permanent teeth – all prior to even considering braces. All patients are different, and in some cases, this isn’t required. When appropriate, we move right into fixed braces treatment.

Once the foundation is properly set, we utilize braces to guide teeth into the appropriate positions. When the bite, teeth, bones and gums work in harmony, the results will last a lifetime.

We hear this question from parents all the time! Why not just do the braces immediately? There was a time that orthodontists would use braces in an effort to fix what were actually structural issues. Lots of learning and years later, we now know that it is imperative to establish a stable foundation before moving teeth. Two-Phase Treatment is a steady method that builds a quality foundation for results that last a lifetime.

Braces are not a commodity. Braces are a tool, so it is the doctor that makes the difference. Think of it this way: it is not the car that does the driving – it is the driver!

It may be. The purpose of orthodontics is to eliminate malocclusions (improper bites) and the wide variety of problems they can cause. Malocclusions occur as the result of tooth and/or jaw misalignment. They may affect the way you smile, chew, and clean your teeth and even how you feel about your smile and appearance. More importantly, an improper bite may lead to periodontal (gum and bone) problems and/or tooth loss. Orthodontic treatment can improve your long-term dental health and physical health. It may also eliminate the need for more extensive dental work later in life.

Many patients think that orthodontics is only for children, but almost half of our patients are adults. With healthy bone support, teeth can be successfully moved at any point in life.

At Embrace Dental Suite, we conduct an initial free ortho examination to determine the treatment you will need. The fee for orthodontic treatment varies depending on the severity of the problem and length and complexity of treatment. We are pleased to offer several payment options commensurate with individual needs.

Typically, the patient is comfortable during treatment, but some adjustment time is necessary after appliance activation. Over-the-counter pain medication is usually sufficient to relieve any discomfort.

It depends upon your insurance policy. Our practice understands that insurance is a contract between the patient and the insurance company, not between the doctor and insurance company. Our policy is to operate on a ‘pay and claim’ basis, whereby the patient has to pay for the service and then claim a refund from their insurance provider. Payments can be in form of cash, Mpesa, Bank transfers or Cards.

It depends on the individual. Although minor tooth movement may be resolved in a year or less, complex cases may take two or more years.